I scan the crowd to see if I could find anyone I knew. A few seconds pass and then I spot grey hair on a familiar looking head. It was my grandma! I had missed her so much! “Mom, grandma is here!” I screamed. I flung my bags to the ground and ran to give grandma a tight hug. My parents joined in the family embrace and soon we were all talking, laughing and settling in our car at the same time.
It was nightfall by the time we reached home. A quick shower and sumptuous meal later, I started yawning. Much to my protests, I was quickly tucked in bed. The night sky from the bedroom window was dazzling with star lights. They made me feel special and secure in my grandma’s home. It is true, indeed. I am home! I slept like a log.
“Caw, caw, caw” I wake up, startled at the cacophonic cawing. “Caw, caw” I hear it again. What could it be? I look out the window.

The morning rain soaked the green meadows and trees. “Caw, caw” followed by peals of laughter. I went to the dining room to see my family at the breakfast table sharing stories. “What was that loud cawing noise?” I asked my grandma. “Oh, that! Those are the peacocks and peahens that are roosting in our barn”, said my grandma. “Peacocks!” I exclaimed! “Where? Can I see them?”
“Sure you can!” replied my grandma. “You have to be really quiet. Once the rain stops, the birds will come out looking for food”, she said.
I step out and head for a walk. The air smelled of damp earth and moist woods. The mighty trees swayed in the gentle breeze and their leaves glittered with rain drops. The sun crept out of the clouds and sent a blanket of warmth to the hillside. There were coconut palms, jackfruit trees and mango trees with succulent fruit hanging from the branches. The meadows on the hillside were adorned with wild flowers of different hues. Cows and goats grazed happily in the meadows.

I kept walking slowly in awe of nature’s majesty in this countryside. I reached a hillock and climbed to its top. The view from there was breathtaking! I listened carefully, and could hear something strange. I patiently waited and kept listening. Yes, it was the most serene sound of all-the sound of silence. I sat there taking it all in. I felt soothed and calmed and I kept telling myself again and again, “I am home!”
As if to startle me from my stupor, I hear it again. “Caw, caw”. I turn around. A flock of peacocks and peahens perch themselves on a low branch. Slowly, they reach the ground and start pecking on grass. The peacocks were a lot bigger than I had imagined. Their rich, dark feathers were a visual treat. In a unique combination of green, blue, and tan the peacocks were one of the most beautiful sights I have witnessed. I silently try to get closer to the flock. They initially did not seem to mind, but as I got closer, they ran away and disappeared in the woods. “Caw, caw”, I coo in an attempt to bring them back. No response. “Caw, caw” I try again in vain.
A minute later, I hear the response. “Caw, caw”. I eagerly turn around, but there were no peacocks at sight. “Caw, caw” came the sound again sounding more like my Mom now. “So, here you are”, she said. “Everyone is looking for you”. “Mom, I saw a huge flock of peacocks, and they were so beautiful!” I exclaimed. I excitedly told her about all the sights I had seen. As we reached our home, my grandma gestured us to stay quiet. She took us to the yard, where a spectacular treat awaited us. A peacock was dancing! He was proudly strutting his beautiful plumage to all the peahens. “Show off”, I said to myself.

Each day of the next month that followed, new adventures, sights and sounds awaited me. Spending time with my grandma in the heart of nature was the best time of my life. The vacation quickly ended and we had to pack our bags and head back to the States.
Even though I am now thousands of miles away, I can go home in a second. All I have to do is to close my eyes and relax. The familiar fragrance of damp earth, lush meadows, home-baked goodies, cattle grazing and peacocks dancing flood my mind. It is my album of beauty that I will cherish forever.
Good one Kunjusss!!! You have the knack to bring pictures out of words. Develop it. Practice and having one's heart and soul in the right place should help. I really loved the 'feel' and passion with which you write.
Keep the pretty side up. Love ya
Very well written! Look forward to seeing more writings from you!
Good job Shruti...you have beautifully captured the excitement and thrill of travelling back home to India. Loved your pics too. Keep writing...!!!!
Good work sruthikutty. You made me feel home with your writing and pictures. I really enjoyed reading it.
Dhana Aunty
I loved your entry. It instantly transported me to India (kerala in
particular) and brought back some happy memories. Your detailed description
led me to smell and taste the air back home.
Thanks for sharing and i know (without a doubt ) that you will WIN !!!!!!!
Good luck and keep excelling.
Anu Venkatesh
Your writings are excellent. But I am not sure that " kunnapalli " peacocks making Crow's sounds "Caw-Caw-Caw"May be i am getting deaf!!!!!!
Congratulations Shruti..Great work! Enjoyed reading it..Keep it up! Loved the pictures too!
Dear Shruthi,
That was an amazing piece. You transported us India for free! It was very well written and shows what a great writer you are.
Keep it up!
KK Uncle
Molu, you have written beautifully, exquisitely. It is a blessing to be able to write, nuture it. Wish you all the best.
Wow! Shruti,
Your writing brought it all live in front of my eyes. It was like I was experiencing this beauty right here, around me. It made me homesick!
Very eloquently, I mean lucidly, written! I was not aware of your talent in writing!
Very well done! Keep it up.
With lots of love,
Asha Aunty
dear,, its just amazing.. keept it up,, rise and shine,,!! umma
chicku just read this,,,,,, very very welldone............. feeling really proud of you something which i couldnt explain to people you did it,, ,. keep it up.. really reallly proud of you.. mwaaaaaaaaaaah
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